Rhausler Inc.


Rhausler Locking Bone
Screw Method video »

Rhausler Bone Screw Insertion Instructions pdf »

Locking Bone Screws

The Rhausler Locking Bone Screws each have their own color code to denote their style. They come in diameters of 3.75, 4.0, and 4.5mm as Self-Tapping and Self-Tapping, Self-Drilling, and in lengths from 10 to 16mm. Our exclusive thread design provides maximum purchase of bone, and our patented Cam-Locking screw head design restricts the backing out of the screw after implantation.

The placement of the bone screws and locking of the Cam-Locking mechanism can both be done with the same Self-Retaining One-Step Locking Screwdriver. This coaxial nature of the locking mechanism ensures that if the screw can be placed, then it can be locked.

Two styles of plate holding tacks are available, the Tack, which fits into the center tack holes and the Threaded Screw Tack, which fits into the plate’s screw holes, secure the plate to the vertebral bodies.

The Rhausler Self-Retaining One-Step Locking Screwdriver loads, inserts, tightens and locks the bone screws. To lock the bone screw into the plate, hold the screwdriver handle with one hand and with the other hand grasp the spoked wheel of the hexed outer locking mechanism shaft.

With a slight rotating down pressure, engage the hex of the outer shaft into the bone screw cam. Once fully engaged, rotate the cam locking mechanism 1/16th of a turn to the right (clockwise). The bone screw cam is now in the locked position, which captures the head of the bone screw in the plate screw holes. No additional hardware or instrumentation is required.

If you desire to remove the bone screw from the plate, re-engage the screwdriver into the bone screw and with slight down pressure, slide the screw driver hexed locking mechanism into the cam, and rotate the locking mechanism 1/16th to the left (counterclockwise) to unlock the cam. The bone screw can now be removed from the plate. It is that simple.

Cervical Plate Bone Screws

The Rhausler Anterior Cervical Vertebrae Plate System contains 3.75mm and 4.0mm Diameter Self Tapping Bone Screws, 4.0mm Diameter Self Tapping Self Drilling Bone Screws, and 4.5mm Diameter Oversized Self Tapping Bone Screws.

The 3.75mm Diameter Self Tapping Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Bone Screw is available in 10mm length. The 4.0mm Diameter Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Bone Screws are available in the following lengths:

  • 10mm
  • 12mm
  • 14mm
  • 16mm

The 4.0mm Diameter Self Drilling, Self Tapping Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Bone Screws, are available in the following lengths:

  • 12mm
  • 18mm
  • 20mm
  • 22mm

The 4.5mm Diameter Oversized Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Bone Screws, are available in the following lengths:

  • 10mm
  • 12mm
  • 14mm
  • 16mm

The bone screws may be angulated in variable directions allowing translation and rotation at the plate-screw interface. This provides sound biomechanical stabilization and substantially reducing the potential for bone screw back out and breakage. The 3.75mm Diameter Uncortical Locking, Self Tapping Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Bone Graft Screw is available in a 10mm length for securing the bone graft to the cervical plate if desired.

PLAGE Bone Screws

Dynamic Screw Design allows 3mm of vertical settling of the PLAGE during the normal process of bony healing. This is analogous to the dynamic cervical plate philosophy of designing to accommodate the normal 1.5mm loss of vertical disc space height during the resorption phase of bony healing.

Normal Screw Trajectories are used and are the same as used in current ACDF plates.

  • The screw lock is coaxial to the shaft of the screw inserter. One tool is used for both
    screw insertion and locking. If a screw can be placed, it can also be locked.
  • No special angled screwdrivers are required.
  • The screws of the PLAGE do not penetrate or mechanically damage the bony
    endplates that are supporting the cage portion of the PLAGE.

The 4.0mm Diameter Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Self-Tapping Bone Screws are available in the following lengths:

  • 10mm
  • 12mm
  • 14mm
  • 16mm

The 4.0mm Diameter Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Self Drilling Self-Tapping are available in the following lengths:

  • 10mm
  • 12mm
  • 14mm
  • 16mm

The 4.5mm Diameter Medical Grade Titanium Alloy Oversized Self-Tapping Bone Screws, are available in the following lengths:

  • 10mm
  • 12mm
  • 14mm
  • 16mm
Patented Cam Lock and Plate design prevents bones screw back out after implantation